
No Smoking. Just Kidding.

Posted by MJ

The Buffalo News reported that the town has decided to install "No Smoking" signs at Day Rd Park even though they didn't go as far as making it illegal.
"No smoking" signs will be posted around the playground in Day Road Park, but the Town Board declined Wednesday to officially declare the playground a smoke-free zone...
Is it even legal to post that something is illegal when it's not?  I can think of numerous signs to post with the hope that people will assume it's illegal.


Black Phillip said...
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Anonymous said...

This is probably one of the most ridiculous things to come out of Lockport. Obivously Mr Crocker has only gone to the park when it was empty because everytime I'm there which is a lot with my 2 yr old, there is always someone lighting up either on the playground itself or at the tables etc. I have and will continue to ask the person to put it our or leave. It should be common sense not to smoke on playground but it should also be common sense to vote for enforcement of the No Smoking Signs! What a freaking joke. Get those 3 of the Board immediately because obiviously they have been smoking something else.

Black Phillip said...
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Anonymous said...

Its common sense to not smoke 2 ft from my 2 yr or your own kid. To not smoke when you are following them up the stairs to the slides or when you are pushing them on the swings!

Anonymous said...

Here is part of Mr. Crocker's response to my email about this subject and his vote:

"The news was quoting me on my response to people smoking on the play ground itself around children. People do smoke while sitting at the tables and well clear of the play ground. I said "I've never seen inconsiderate smokers at the park". There is a big difference. That is why two other council members voted with me. There will be signs inside the play area, not the park. I'm a firm believer in smaller government and letting people keep more of their money and freedoms. This is a feel good proposal and should be clear of government involvement."

Black Phillip said...
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Anonymous said...

Rocketboy, I'm confused by your statements, do you think there should be smoking on the playground? If not then you should enforce any laws or signs that say there is no smoking. If you feel that smoking is harmless and should be allowed on the playground then please don't go to the playground anymore.

Black Phillip said...
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Anonymous said...


If they can do it in NYC why not Lockport.

Black Phillip said...
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LoneWolf said...

Greetings all~

This is a rather interesting conumdrum(the smoking ban/law).

On one hand we have those that are non smokers(or ex smokers).. that are TOTALLY 100% AGAINST smoking (which is thier right to do) on that same had we have the non smokers that couldnt give a "flyin flip" on way or the other. and just go with the flow.

On the other we have smokers who say "don't tread on my civil rights to do what i can legally do with my body, it's my body let be do what I want and to heck with everyone else", as well as those that say , oh ok so they ban smoking in bars, stadiums, supermarkets(yes it was allowed at one point) restraunts, etc.

While I am a smoker, I can see both sides here. Non smokes don't want to be subjected to the fumes or amoke or what ever they decide is the issue with smoking. That is thier right to voice that opinion. As a materr of fact in an ENCLOSED ESTABLISHMENT, especially if there is food being served, I can TOTALLY 100% understand that argument even being a smoker. It gets really congesting. BUT with that don't "jam" the thought down our throats. We no what we are doing to our bodies and we know what it causes, but to say we can't smoke in a OPEN AIR enviroment like a park other LARGE open AIR PLACE, sorry but thats wrong.

Case in point in a park setting, there are plenty of places for you to go ina park (wether it be a "pocket park" or some place like Widewaters, where you don't have to sit DIRECTLY near us. As to the "rubbish" that is accumulated, I will agree as well that is NASTY, i hnesty cant stand to see a lot of cigaretts butts lying around ESPECIALLY if there is a perfectly good receptacle thatis avilbe recepticale for use.

As far as those that are smokers, clean up after yourself. If there isa recepticale around to use for that purpose USE IT thats what it's there for. If there is'nt one available right away , snub out your smoke, but the left over in your pocket and either use the next available trash can you see OR wait till you get home anb use your own trash can.

Granted, yes MOST ( not all) cigartee filters now are made of cotton, and WILL degrade OVER TIME..its not an overnight process.

Either way , both sides have vaild points but there ARE alternatives to each.

To each thier own, and some things to think about.


Black Phillip said...
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LoneWolf said...


Good point... I was going on more of the fact that the TOTAL "ban"(meaning law) had already been passed of not having smoking in Bars or Restraunts or other particular places.

As it sits now, unless the establishment has a "permit" and pays the fees to allow such(granted some places are "automatically exempt) , and they are caught with smoking in the said establishment they are apprently HEAVILY fined for allowing smoking with out having the "permit" to do so.

I know there was ONE place, when the "ban/law" came into effect that went right agianst the grain for the "smoking ban/law" and they had a jar that you could add money to, to go a fund that you could add to if they were found in violation of the "ban/law".

I'm not sure if they still do that at this point due to the fact that not having smoking in places has become more accepted.

And no I will not name the place due to the public access to this blog, and not wanting to see any reprucussions to the business.

Guess it just depends on your outlook.~


Addendum: the following is a DIRECT LINK to the State of New York - Regulation of Smoking in Public and Work Places
Link : http://www.health.ny.gov/regulations/public_health_law/section/1399/

Anonymous said...

"Case in point in a park setting, there are plenty of places for you to go ina park (wether it be a "pocket park" or some place like Widewaters, where you don't have to sit DIRECTLY near us."

Have you every taken you family to a beach like Beaver Island, sat down got all the towels set, the sand toys out, the snacks out and someone comes along and sits next to you or maybe they were even already there and now they are smoking right next to you. I'm not saying wholly crap now me and my kids are going to get cancer. I know they probably have just as much risk of getting cancer by swimming in the niagara river, but it is not very pleasant to have to sit there and smell that all afternoon. Then most smokers do not have the courtesee to dispose of those butts properly. they think the beach is a giant sand filled ash tray, and think its okay to throw their butts in the grass at the golf courses and parks. They blow into my lawn all the time too. So after dealing with some of these experiences I think you can see why us non-smokers or former smoker (like myself) can be very frustrated and want to ban smoking in most public places. Do what you want to yourself just don't bother me when you are doing it.

LoneWolf said...

To Anaon @ 9:07am~

I do agree and you give EVERY valid points...

And thank you for stating it the way you did ..

A couple/few things that you said .. and NO IM NOT TRYING TO START A WAR HERE ..

1)(in part) "sat down got all the towels set, the sand toys out, the snacks out and someone comes along and sits next to you or maybe they were even already there and now they are smoking right next to you" ..

The last part of this doesnt make sense to what you said .. if you SEE they are there and can SEE they are smokng.. then dont go near them/us.. as well as if us smokers see there are a lot of non smokers around .. (those that have coutetsy) will do the same .. and usualy TRY as best we can to stay away from non smokers...at least I do TRY .. it's not always easy...

2)You said:(in part) " Then most smokers do not have the courtesee to dispose of those butts properly. they think the beach is a giant sand filled ash tray, and think its okay to throw their butts in the grass at the golf courses and parks.'

Answer: Agree 100% with ONE caveate.. (again not maning to start a blog war of us vs. them) I understand whee you are coming from in regards to the rubbish.. as i mentioned.. but and saying this in a smokers way .. NOT the way i exactly think just ans a general staement)

Respect goes both ways .. for ANY ONE ,,, don't matter if the are a smoker or not .. or if they are from WHATVER walk of life .. if you give us(smokers) respect.. and let us do what is our (legal) right to do ... as long as you treat us like the way you want to be treted.. generally we are easy going.

Granted MOST people dontlike confrontaion.. heel i dont't like it either.. but i i were asked by someone to step away from a particualr area.. yes i MIGHT give a "look" over my shoulder .. DEPENDING on the area.. and also DEPENDING on how I was approached about it ..

Respect goes both ways...

Just my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

"The last part of this doesnt make sense to what you said .. if you SEE they are there and can SEE they are smokng.. then dont go near them/us.. as well as if us smokers see there are a lot of non smokers around .. (those that have coutetsy) will do the same .. and usualy TRY as best we can to stay away from non smokers...at least I do TRY .. it's not always easy..."

Not all smokers are chain smokers, maybe the smoker was in the water at the time or off at the snack stand or just wasn't smoking at the time. There is no sign above their head showing them as smokers. And when you are at a crowded beach you don't always know who is going to light up and who is not. And yes this has happened to me and my family. We always will avoid the situation whenever possible and will move if we have to. It would be nice if smokers showed more respect in public places and walked away from crowded areas and playgrounds, or just waiting until it was more appropriate.

And I know it was mentioned earlier but I can't believe anyone would smoke in the car or inside their house with children present or even not present. That is just awful, those kids deserve better than that. They didn't ask for second hand smoke. Its awful to run into kids at a school or daycare that smell like an ash tray everyday.

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