The Buffalo News reported that the city has established a fund to help demolish vacant houses.We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day.
-W. Churchhill
The city has created a fund to be used to pay for demolition of vacant, derelict houses.I'll agree that an unsafe structure should come down but why should we let them get that far? Where the funds for preserving structures until suitible owners are can be found? The lead in is an example of such a structure on Genesee St. Parts of the roof have been tarped which is a fragile fix (though much appreciated after watching the holes start to grow.)
The Common Council last week appropriated $100,000, left over from last year’s tax foreclosure process, to start the fund.
The fund will continue to be built each year by taking any revenue over and above the foreclosure revenue estimate in the city budget, which is $142,500.
Mayor Michael W. Tucker said he thinks the initial $100,000 will pay for about four demolitions along with asbestos removal from the affected homes.
However, he noted that the city must hold title to the houses it plans to demolish before it can do anything about them....
Once a roof goes on a structure the water creates exponential damage. Why not head off these demolitions with preventive actions like replacing roofs on notable structures? Or how about matching grants to people willing to invest the sweat equity to make inner city housing rehabilitations monetarily feasible?
While I can understand some demolition of smaller structures, it is a quick path to irreparable removal of the urban fabric of the neighborhood. Once demolished an irreversible decision has been made. An empty lot may add $1,000 or so of value to the street and a temporary halt to disinvestment. A rehabilitated structure will add up to 100x more value for the piece of property and actually encourage further growth.
Where would you rather invest your time and money: an area with houses being knocked down or one with houses being rehabilitated? It’s the more difficult path but why not fund growth?