LUSJ Article

Buffalo News Article

Ulrich placed a final bid of $61,000 to eclipse the bids for individual pieces of the property. Thankfully this keeps the interior intact and holds out hope to try to lure a new operator in. City made out with $54,000 after auction fees.

With the net auction proceeds, the debt is down to about $321,000. Ottaviano said the city will seek a judgment against Calieri in court to try to go after any real property or businesses that are held in his name.

The Village Eatery is owned by Lockport Village Eatery Inc. “We’d have to find out who owns the shares of that corporation,” Ottaviano said. Calieri did not return a call seeking comment.

I figure the GDLC would have searched out who owns what etc to actually establish what is backing up the loans before giving them out.

Whatever may end up in there, I hope they have offer up a nice range of specialty drafts.

Original thread here: Default on Metropolitan Bar and Grill


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