
Car Wash Approved in Town

Posted by MJ

The Buffalo News Reported:

A new car wash will be constructed on South Transit Road after approval of a variance by the town Zoning Board of Appeals last week. The site at 6719 S. Transit Road, owned by Craig Heidemann, is just north of Bartz Road. The Zoning Board of Appeals passed a variance from the rules for front and rear setbacks from the property lines

Why do I bring it up? Because I've always hoped for a full service Delta Sonic to find its way to Lockport. It is a local WNY business that would fit nicely in the Lockport area.


Refuse Savings on Track

Posted by MJ

The Buffalo News Reported:

The city has saved an estimated $380,000 on its garbage and recycling program in the 8½ months since privatization, City Clerk Richelle J. Pasceri told the Common Council this week.

Dawn M. Timm, Niagara County's environmental coordinator, calculated the number based on the trash pickups since mid-October and comparison figures for October 2010 through June 2011, when city crews still were doing the work.

Modern Disposal took over last fall, and the city established a user fee for the program, including standardized garbage and recycling totes.

Timm said Tuesday that the city has recycled about 1,400 tons of waste since privatization, versus only 354 tons in the city-run period, when only newspaper and cardboard were collected at curbside....
A good job by those who put it together or by those using it. I believe the fees are generated yearly based on cost. The more the recycled should lead to lower rates as time goes on.